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Christy Clayton, CPM LM


Christy’s journey into midwifery began 15 years ago when she was pregnant with her first child. She had every intention of going to the hospital and getting an epidural until a family gave her a stack of natural parenting books.  With intense morning sickness limiting her activity, she read all of them.  She realized she didn’t know anything about how birth actually worked until then.  She switched providers at 20 weeks and went on to have a beautiful homebirth that changed her life. 

Christy has since trained as a prenatal yoga instructor and personal trainer, doula, Hypnobabies instructor, placenta encapsulator, and finally a midwife. She recieved her education through Mercy in Action College of Midwifery’s bachelor’s program, along with a 2.5 year apprenticeship with several homebirth and nurse midwives in the phoenix area.  She incorporates all her trainings to provide healthy and holistic care to her clients. She honors that all of the families she serves come from diverse backgrounds and beliefs. She provides informed care and respects each family’s autonomy in decision making. 


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